Raleigh, N.C. – These beautiful photographs were shot by Nikelle Orellana-Reyes, whose floral design studio Wylde served as my sample address. Nikelle’s selection of botanicals and decorative objects helped bring out the elegant and sometimes whimsical feel of the calligraphy. Styles depicted here are my interpretations of traditional Copperplate and Spencerian, as well as more modern lettering variations.
Little Calligrapher in Training
Washington, D.C. — My niece Claire has always exhibited a strong interest in drawing, coloring and writing. It is obvious that she is a natural artist. When she came to visit us during the summer, she was so excited to see my big desk with all its supplies of inks, markers, paints, pencils, and papers. She was very enthusiastic to try her hand at using a calligraphy nib. I have to say she took to it really quickly. Perhaps I need to groom her as an intern!
Summer Reading is Fun!
Washington, D.C. — In my spare time, I volunteer tutor for the Reading Partners school program at Dorothy Height Elementary School. At the end of the school year, we are allowed to give our reading buddies a gift book. It made total sense to me to give them bookmarks too. I loved seeing their surprised faces when they saw their names done in calligraphy with fancy flourishes.
A little bit later in the summer, my sister asked me to make bookmarks for her first-grade students. She asked for a simpler, unflourished style. There was such diversity in the names of her students. She picked a bright orangey-pink for the accent ribbon.
My sister's cat Smokey messing around with the photoshoot.
Wylde at Heart
The beautiful Valentine's Day arrangements by Wylde.
Raleigh, N.C. — I love any opportunity to collaborate with my super talented sister-in-law Nikelle Orellana-Reyes, owner and floral artist of Wylde in Raleigh. When the discussion came up to do something together for Valentine's Day, of course, it made perfect sense--little notes and flowers go hand-in-hand.
Customers stopping by Nikelle's downtown shop on Martin Street were able to pick up personalized cards to accompany her fabulous florals. Shoppers finished the sentences on each card--a la Mad Libs--with words and phrases meant for their Valentine. Some sentences were heartfelt and earnest, while some were cheeky and clever. No request was ever out of bounds, even when a customer asked me to calligraph an illustration of a butt with hearts. Sometimes you just got to laugh when it comes to love.
My brother and Nikelle's husband Gino selling bouquets at Videri Chocolate Factory.
Love, what it's all about.
A Holiday Highlight
Gift tags ready to be calligraphed.
New York, New York — One of my favorite experiences in 2016 came at the very end when I teamed up with Haerfest at the holiday Pop Up Flea in the 69th Regiment Armory (a really cool historical site).
I've known brothers Tim and Dan Joo since 2011. They are the hardest working—not to mention nicest—guys in the fashion business. It was my sincerest pleasure to collaborate with them and hand-calligraph gift tags for their clients. The whole team (Tim, Dan, Susan, Tai and Zoe) was great and we managed to keep our holiday cheer despite the snow and the cold.
Looking forward to our next time working together!